♥ السلام عليك يا رسول الله ♥♥ السلام عليك يا حبيب الله ♥ O Taiba your breeze is so blessedIndeed it brought life back to my spiritI’ve left my heart with my belovedSending blessings on Muhammad Assalamu Alaika Ya Rasool Allah
The Story of Ashabul Ukhdud, The People of Trench
The Story of (Ashabul Ukhdud) the Sorcerer, the Monk, the Boy and Those Who were forced to enter the Ditch Imam Ahmad recorded from Suhayb that the Messenger of Allah said, Among the people who came before you, there was a king who had a sorcerer, and when that sorcerer became old, he said to […]
Mustahab or Desirable Acts in wudu
There are 16 famous Mustahab or Desirable Acts in wudu. Note: These are Mustahab or Desirable Acts in wudu, which means if one doesn’t perform any of these, the wudu will still be valid, (Doesn’t mean you never perform them, it is better to be careful about Mustahab or Desirable Acts in wudu It is stated in […]
Obligatory And Sunnah Acts In Wudu
Obligatory Acts In Wudu Sunnah Acts In Wudu